San Francisco Animal Care & Control -- An Organization that Goes the Extra Mile for a Senior Dog
In September, Animal Control Officers (ACOs) responded to a distress call about an injured stray dog in Potrero Hill. They found a senior pit bull lying on the steps of an apartment complex, grievously injured. The dog was in immense pain, covered in wounds, and unable to walk. Despite her suffering, she wagged her tail as the ACOs wrapped her in a blanket — a testament to the enduring spirit of animals.
ACOs brought the dog to San Francisco Animal Care & Control (SFACC), where our dedicated vet team and staff sprang into action. It was evident a dog had severely attacked her. The bites along her legs and chest were painful and deep, and the found dog struggled to put weight on her front limb. She had many injuries — both old and long since healed. Her body told a sad story; her ears were poorly cropped, her face offered a crooked smile, and she was peppered with scars.
SFACC’s vet team administered pain relief and gave this battered senior dog a soft place to rest as they assessed her injuries. Throughout the chaos in the vet room, the dog laid on her blanket and smiled softly, wagging her tail. Katy, the head of Behavior & Training (B&T), remembers gently wrapping a warm blanket around the pup while she looked up with soft eyes that shimmered with pain and gratitude. The SFACC team scanned the dog for a microchip, which revealed a name: Chloe. She was twelve years old. No owners came forward or returned the attempts at contact and reunification. Chloe did not have a family behind her, but she did have an entire shelter in her corner.
Chloe’s prognosis was unsure — she was a senior dog, severely injured, and had endured so much pain and suffering. The extent of her injuries was heartbreaking, but her resilience was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Through days of treatment, love, and care, Chloe fought back to health, surprising everyone with her determination.
When it became apparent that her body would recover, B&T staff began to work on her assessments. Chloe was eager to impress the team yet again. Even after enduring such a brutal attack, Chloe showed zero aggression to other animals. She greeted every person, dog, bird, cat, and every creature in between – with her signature lopsided smile and waggy tail.
Chloe is an extraordinary case. As she sat in the medical ward, her resilience and indomitable spirit brought to mind a bully named Teapot. Last year, Teapot was nursed back to health and beat the odds in the same kennel Chloe now received life-changing care. In honor of Teapot (and recognizing Chloe deserved not one but two names!), Chloe would now be known as Teacup Chloe.
As Chloe continued to be assessed, the team realized she now faced a new threat — a mast cell tumor. With the support of the SFACC team and the incredible Vets in Vans program, she underwent a successful surgery to remove the MCT. Chloe’s courage never wavered, even when her body faltered. Everyone involved in Teacup Chloe’s case is a testament to the power and reach of SFACC. It takes tenacity (and some stubbornness), but the entire team united for Teacup Chloe.
Finally, Teacup Chloe was ready for her forever home. Life dealt Chloe a tough hand in finding one: a senior dog, bully breed, poorly cropped ears, scarred face, and body. Teacup Chloe demonstrated a stacked deck means nothing when you’ve got the best shelter team in your corner. Chloe went home with a loving family in less than one week!
To donate to SFACC, please click here or contact Thank you for taking the time to read Teacup Chloe's story and for considering our cause. With your support, Friends of SFACC will continue to make miracles happen for needy animals.